Friday, December 21, 2012

Burger Fi and Farmer's Market

I'd say it's obvious how much we like the farmer's market. We try something new every time and we're usually happy about it. (Except the cactus fruits. Yuck.) 

There's a new-ish burger place by us that has a Smart Car with flashing lights in the parking lot. It catches our eye but we'd never planned to go. This visit only took us there because the Mexican place we wanted to try wasn't open yet. 

Luckily, we were already parked and were starving enough to give it a go. I'm not a big burger person but this was great.

They have all kinds of  flavored fries and we tried parm and herb. Pretty good, though too powdery for me. We're doing Cajun next time.

I know these drink machines aren't new, but this is the first one I've seen in person. Watching people try to use it is ridiculous.

Living by the biggest mall in Florida (and third biggest in the country) is nice. I rarely go there but when I do I see fun things like 55 y/o men acting like the Lamborghinis on display are theirs. This train conductor just hangs around and waves to kids all day. What a life.

The city of Aventura uses chargeable golf cart things to get around. I guess they're street legal?

Ah, yes. Another find at the farmer's market. The crepe stand offers about thirty varieties and I asked for his most popular. What I got was chicken florentine - chicken, spinach, provolone, and sauce.

See how crispy and warm?

I went for the Elvis dessert crepe as well - chunky peanut butter, bananas, caramel sauce. 

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